Before we get going with this review, I should tell you that –  Hostnine is not a SEO host!

However, you can use Hostnine to your advantage for your SEO efforts and building a Private Blog Network.

Why Hostnine?  My Demo and Review

If you’re looking to take advantage of using multiple ip addresses without going to a traditional SEO hosting company (which I highly advise against) then Hostnine is your go to provider.

For starters, when you pick up the Hostnine reseller package, it gives you flexibility to pick your server location.

There’s 8 different server locations that are listed below:

US East
US West

Now why’s this important?

This allows you to pick a different location for your domains.

And with the reseller package, you’re sharing hosting with other people – a lot of these are Mom and Pop businesses – not SEO related sites, so you’re Private Blog Networks can fit in nicely with other bloggers, and regular businesses.

Here’s how it works

Video Demo

How much Does Hostnine cost?

That’s another advantage to using Hostnine – you’re able to start with a very small budget – as little as $20 then you can always upgrade to another package later on if you outgrow it.

The main thing you need is the Reseller package – that’s what gives you the ability to pick your server location.

What can Hostnine be used for?

I use Hostnine for hosting my PBN’s as well as for my Force Multiplier sites to mix up the IP addresses.

Setting Up Hostnine

When you begin you’ll need to setup a package.

These are what I start of with for my packages.

Picture of packages

If you go over on your quota or bandwidth, Hostnine will send you an email, and  it’s very easy to make the adjustment, simply click on the domain and modify the package as shown in the screenshot below.

Once you setup your packages, now you’re ready to start adding domains to your dashboard.

Simply click on the Add Domains and setup your domain.

Now pay attention to the server location as shown below

For your first domain, use Server Location # 1

And it’s best if you stack your niches onto the servers.

In other words, let’s say you have 5 domains for Internet Marketing niche and 5 for Home Repair

Server 1 would get the following:
Domain # 1 for the Internet Marketing Niche
Domain # 1 for the Home Repair

Server 2 would get the following:
Domain # 2 for the Internet Marketing Niche
Domain # 2 for the Home Repair

Server 3 would get the following:
Domain # 3 for the Internet Marketing Niche
Domain # 3 for the Home Repair

Server 4 would get the following:
Domain # 4 for the Internet Marketing Niche
Domain # 4 for the Home Repair

Server 5 would get the following:
Domain # 5 for the Internet Marketing Niche
Domain # 5 for the Home Repair

As shown in the diagram below.

So, notice I’m not putting 5 domains on server location #1.

I’ll give it a few days after I’ve added the domains, and since this is shared, the IP addresses will fill up and they’ll issue a new IP

This is how you position it so you’re getting new IP addresses without paying for each individual IP.

Final Review:

[rwp-review id=”0″]

If you order Hostnine through my link, I’ll send you my PBN domain buying checklist so that you can see the criteria we’re looking for and what we’re looking to avoid.

Just go here to order.