I just noticed yesterday that profiles and pages from Google Plus is now showing in the search results pages. Pretty cool and something new to implement into your SEO campaigns…

Now it's time for the first ever…

Super Bowl Giveaway

Since today is the Super Bowl – who do you have winning – Pats or Giants?

Let me know your predicted score in the comments – either the Facebook comments or WordPress section and the person with the closest score I'll hook you up with 30 minutes of one on one time via Skype plus I'll send you 2 of my WordPress plugins that aren't available anywhere.

If 2 people guess the same score – I'll go with whoever posts first. Entries must be submitted before kickoff.

Derek Pierce
Derek Pierce

Derek Pierce is an online marketer specializing in Search Engine Optimization. He used his SEO to escape over $100,000 in credit card debt building a 6 figure business from a spare bedroom.