Before we dig into the content creation strategies for your PBN's, let's backtrack a little on what you should have already been through.

First, I've showed you how to create your Private Blog Network with the right infrastructure – you know setting everything up with hosting, IP’s and all the technical stuff!

That training can be found here.

Secondly, I showed you how we are finding PBN domains and I showed you the 5 No, No’s as well as what I look for and you saw the software I use to find cheap PBN domains.

That training can be found here.

And in this tutorial, we’ll go over how to create the content for your Private Blog Network.

There’s a few different options we’ll cover depending on how you plan to setup your PBN – all of them work and will get you ranked.

I’ve used all of the methods.

It’s a matter of your plans and where you are in your business.

So, let's go over each of these strategies…


This is what you tend to see from many Public Blog Networks – the content can cover everything from Real Estate, Affiliate Marketing to Diaper Rash.

Notice, the inconsistent content of the topics above.

And notice none of them really go together.

However – it still works.

The advantage to using this type of PBN, is speed.

You basically create a blog, throw up a theme and let it rip, dripping out your content along the way.

Plugin your sites to the best pbn software and let it rip.

In this instance, you’re not worried about getting the domain de-indexed, you’ll build another if that happens.

Again – you’re advantage is speed.   

The disadvantage is the content is not 100% relevant on the domain and you run the risk of getting slapped.

Now, with that being said, I’ve got domains that I’ve had since I first got started that are setup this way that have never been touched (that’s at least 7+ years).

Most of the de-indexing has come from the big public blog networks, not the small private ones.

If you’re not ranking for anything and you’re just getting started, I’d encourage you to worry less about getting slapped and worry more about seeing some positive movements, you can build a more complex PBN later on.

For most of my stuff, I’m using Kontent Machine to pump out content to my PBN.

While, it’s not the greatest content, after it’s spun through WordAI or SpinRewriter, it’s really unique which is what I’m looking for.


This is one of the easier ways to building a PBN because you’re just grabbing the old content from the old site to make it look real.

The way you do that is like I showed you in step # 1 by using the Way Back Machine.

Simply, look back at the site and copy it over.

If you do this, I do need to warn you though.

Do Not Use Your Real Information for Registration of the Site!

I’ve had one instance where someone kicked up about the content being a copyright violation.

The old site was a designer of women’s clothes with a ton of pictures.

We grabbed all the pics, and he didn’t like it too much.

But that’s just 1 instance out of hundreds of doing this very technique.

It's just not worth the headache.

So, I'll say this – “I'm No Attorney – use this method at your own risk!”

I'm simply telling you what I do and what I've learned over the years.

Using this technique, you’ve got a few options –

  • Option # 1: You can rebuild the site then edit the code to include a link in the actual content itself – which is a pain in the neck and hard to scale because you’re only dropping 1-2 links at a time.There are a few software options that will do this, however I’ve not found any that’s able to pull the content from the Way Back Machine 100% of the time.
  • Option # 2: Rebuild, then create relevancy where there seems to  be none.

I once did a video about this that you can below


In this instance, we’re basically re-theming the site to our niche.

In this instance, I typically do this after I’ve found a winning campaign and want to attempt to take up multiple spots on the first page or further boost my money site.

So, let’s say for example, we’ve got a winning affiliate site for Drones and we’re making money from it, the domains that I pick up would be re-themed to be all about Drones.

Let’s use an example – suppose we find a domain that has expired paulpbarker dot com.

BTW – that’s not a real domain – just using that as an example.

If I were to re-theme the site, I’d rename it to something like this – Best Drone Reviews | PaulPBarker

And the description would connect the two as well.

See, how I'm taking something completely unrelated and just making a connection.

Let's use another example…

Suppose we pick up a domain called makeitpopnow dot org that was an old popcorn manufacturer.

Again – just making these up as I type this – it's not a real site.

And we want to retheme it for a Real Estate investing niche.

I'd make the site like this: Real Estate Investing from MakeItPop

How do I Re-theme For Multiple Local Clients?

Now, let’s suppose you’re doing local SEO for a business and you’re not wanting to buy a bunch of PBN domains for a single client.

In that case, simply re-theme to a broader niche to drip out links for multiple clients.

I’ll give you an example.

Let’s say that you’re doing SEO for a local limo service…

In this instance, you can make your network about “Things to Do In the Specific City” or “Night Life in Specific City”

Don’t you agree it would make sense for these types of sites to link to a Limo Service?

You could also link to restaurants, clubs, taxi services, tourist attractions, and more.


How To Keep Your PBN Alive For The Long Term…

Google has started de-indexing more frequently and it comes from a few triggers that we’ll discuss here to help you keep your PBN over the long haul.

  1. Realize the Search Engine bots crawl more than just text, they also are crawling your source code.

Most are worried about duplicate content and don’t even think about the actual code on the site.

Make it all look different:

  • different pictures,
  • have different videos embedded,
  • link to authority sites,
  • And have some post with no links at all.

Make it look like a legitimate site.

If you use WordPress, I’d recommend using different themes.

And if you’re wanting to really push the “realness” then setup a Twitter page and Facebook Page just for these properties, and use the Social Network Auto Poster so that every time you make a post, it will get dripped to these profiles.

This not only will make the sites look real, but will help you get indexed faster as well as building overall authority to your domains.

Of course, I don’t do this on my sites, however it is an option for those that may be overly paranoid.

2. Don’t redirect everything to the home page

It’s ok, to redirect to new urls, just don’t have it redirect everything to the home page.   In other words, don’t use a 404 to redirect everything to the home page.

It’s seems to be one of the triggers that I personally seen as well as others in the business have seen contribute to indexing.

3. Update your blogs more frequently.

Skinny blogs with only 1-2 posts are also another trigger that I’ve seen, so be sure keep it all updated frequently.

Remember, the more posts you create and drip out, the more authority your building to your PBN Domains.

Here's What To Do Next

Now, that I’ve laid out the steps to building a profitable PBN.

I'm going to assume this makes sense to you and you'd probably like some help with it along the way.

I just recently finished a very in depth, high quality webinar training that will help you put all the pieces of the puzzle together.

It's called the Ultimate SEO Blueprint and it's 100% free.

You can see the entire system, how we create profitable SEO campaigns while staying in complete control.

Simply click here to register for the webinar

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